A toad,

impressed by kindness…


Nonetheless, is it truly kindness or saving face, whom is pulling the strings, (or as one would say, have they been forced) an placed in between a rock an hard place…


It is all good, in my eyes…


Did i move three or more steps forward without getting pounded back one?


Damn, has the tide turned?


These are just some questions?  Answers or, should i say honest answers would be great…  However i don’t believe they will come easy…


toad (chris jensen) thisoldtoad

The Kids-deletedangel

Kids the keys to the world!

Thank you for the plant, as Mrs. Nature Knows i don’t do well in the growing part, how she does have patients…

chris jensen-new beginning.png

Jimi Hendrix Live Full Concert 1969 Amazing Clear Footage

A man that i wished

i could have met,

an jam with, ifinn he would have,

put up with my hacking guitar style.


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