Another toad day,

i knew Mrs. Nature could talk


Mr. Sun into burning off the clouds!


Did want to get out of bed, or in my case out from under the blankets..  Tried as i may, to go back to sleep, seeing as it was the weekend, in hope that the people whom work in the building, didn’t come in on a saturday?  Didn’t workout, so up i got! Slowly making my way to Mac’s on broadway for coffee, cigarette and some noodles.. Seems my friends the crows spotted me, even though it was their nap time..  While eating breakfast, read through some of Jimmy’s paper now done eating, a kind hearted young women came by a dropped a BLT, which rounded off my breakfast…


Off i went!

i must add that a dreaming fantasy, never came true yesterday…  i guess we can’t have everything….

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chris jensen-2018-05-05 at 12

Images created by;

chris jensen

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