A pleasent gift….

for a toad…

From prayer….

Have you found yourself, swinging your hand uncontrolably? Along with interesting sexual thoughts?

Funny sence of humor from newly centiant prayer… Now prayer an i have been at battle for sometime now, i’ve learned that you can’t beat prayer until, you let it go! Simple really, just let go, an you’ve won….

i’m only guessing, but i would take this chance in say that most people think the power prayer comes from “dog” opps i mean god… You couldn’t be more wrong, the power of prayer comes from the human heart, nothing to do with “dog” i mean god!

Just think of how many humans are on this blue rock we call home? Far to many to tell the truth, but that’s another topic… All those people praying, now really knowing where their prayers are going accept, the second pope, whom wears the ring of the first now gone first pope… Damn that took some doing…

Personally i would like to cut off the hand that wears the ring, some how through time, the majority of prayer, i would think a fault of prayer it self, we all make mistakes including prayer! Has tied itself to the one ring, which is the only piece of real gold the church has to date, everything else, family has including the arch, some call it god’s house, i like to piss in it… Grandfather a really, i mean really old Vampire, finds that amusing… Him and his brother fought in some really ugly wars, to live to this day… Wars like we have never seen, most likely will see simular war in our future, from other worlds, want our of couse, why else would come all that way for nothing… They would shield a handful of humans, against all odds, so that we may live another day… A act of lov, that see’s, no thank!

There can only be one family, an that is our!

I would say i got just a little sidetracked…


chris jensen-Aug-3

chris jensen (DarkPrince)


A ship of dreams..


The earned gift from a drug addict. whom believed in his own fantasies…  Laugh at, spit on and pissed on, continued forward looking for a hope to move human life into their proper place within space an time…


A struggle just to stay sane, an solid to his destiny an dreams…


Spent most of his time alone, trying to bring factual proof, to those supernatural an alien question…  Whom believed in things that nobody thought to real…


Now spend most of his time, putting together computers, just so he could document his life’s adventures, all while taking please in the use of his drug addictions..


Now sadly finds himself, still much alone, now everybody believes that they should all take part, in what a drug addict, has earned bragging rights too…


i’m not sorry when i see people walking by or pushing there problems at him as if they have known him all his struggling life…


So for those, whom this drug addict doesn’t even know their name, you have no right to what i have earned for family an myself…


To some close friends, i will do my best to help, please, i mean please don’t take a advantage over what i have given my life too..

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chris jensen