Walking inside out..

Walking inside out..

Party magick…

Only minutes away from my phone then to bank an chromebook, life back in order, i can’t count how many times i’ve been here…  This morning while sitting in the golden arch, i must fell a sleep many times…  Hell how many cups of coffee did i spill over my chromebook?

Possibly strange events have happened, prayer still acting against me, an another powerful man in the world…  They do this with the belief they’re doing right…  They will continue to die, for improper use of prayer… i have been shielding the christian whom are important to me…

The next moment, i was able to write…

Running throughout the races..  The past few days i struggle against the wave of prayer, lost within those power days of my dream…  Working throughout, anger, for all those opposed, an those whom have their minds on running the show..  Mostly they were doing their damndest to take me where i didn’t need to go…

I believe that, there were many more on my than me, as always, sidetracking me into left field…  i did almost all, which i had hoped…  The thing that i did get done was sending my daughter money..  She doesn’t call i don’t even her thoughts much…  Anyway as always they continue to get shock treatment, both chemical an electrical, as i been working my first post of the past few days, there was a young lady watch me for sometime i couldn’t place what would be her mind or i have seen this woman once before, until i came to me, that sometime yesterday, she decided to become noticed by me…  For this action an running off, i gave her twenty-fore to leave the plant…  because of those treatment, a lot of pain an the memory of what i cause  grossly missing…  ifinn i, recall correctly she didn’t have much time left an all this young lady was trying to do, is tell me she does remember…

So if you your treatment are really doing me damage, think not, cross my path, especially when i’ve not been in a good mood…
